Brooklyn Lord Sorachi

The mysteries of the Royal Hop Lines are deep, and many tales are told about them. Long ago, in the 1970s, Lord Beikei of Japan and Lady Saaz of the Czech Lands bore a son, Sorachi Ace, in the Japanese prefecture of Hokkaido. Sorachi Ace quickly became a great hop, legendary for his unusual aromatic character. Opponents came to fear his entrancing “Lemon and Dill Stance” and the equally potent “Lemongrass Technique.” Sorachi Ace found his ambitions suppressed and he fled to the United States, making his way to the Pacific Northwest. There, on the estate of the House of Gamache in the land of Yakima, his powers grew strong.

This winter, rejoice as he assumes a new guise—Lord Sorachi! He takes this mighty form to help us through the cold dark days, and to raucously celebrate with us on our holidays. A “Super-Saison,” Lord Sorachi’s bitterness is swift and sure, his hoppy pungency irresistible, and his strength assuring and immovable. Now, for a short time, embrace the mysterious duality of Sorachi Ace and Lord Sorachi.

ABV: 9.5%