Millersburg Major Holmes DIPA

It features a blend of five different hops, including two experimental varieties from Hopsteiner, and aromas of mango, citrus and stone fruits, the brewery said in a news release.

“The Major finishes nearly dry, leaving the lingering fruitiness with a very slight bitter note letting you know it is really an imperial IPA,” the brewery said.

As with all Millersburg beers, there’s a story behind the name.

Maj. Andrew Hunter Holmes was an officer in the War of 1812 who was killed in an unsuccessful attack on Mackinaw on Aug. 4, 1814, the brewery said. “The major’s history became shrouded in mystery and legend,” the brewery said. “It is not known why Holmes County carries his name. However, three other Holmes served with roots to Holmes County.”

9.1% 85 IBUs