Revolution Rev Pils

A traditional German pilsner undertaken with a reverent but decidedly American approach.  Employing 100% Weyermann malts including Pilsner, Carafoam and Munich lends a subtly expressive base for this light-bodied, straw-hued pale lager.  Noble and noble-derived hops including German Select, Saphir and Hallertau Gold (grown by only a single farm in all of Bavaria) impart aromas of earth, grass and spice.  Our classic Bavarian lager yeast produces a clean beer which finishes dry and beckons you to sip again.  We dry hop this brew with more Saphir, Select and Hallertau Gold, but we don’t get heavy-handed with it, allowing the more traditional aspects to speak audibly without shouting (in German).

ABV: 5.5%